Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, September 20, 2003

BLUNDER's version of Robert "Beat Me" Fisk says he saw QUAGMIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! coming, but heck, isn't that a little like "phantom sight" in the blind?

If this were mere iconoclasm, one could dismiss it, but so long as 98% of news hacks feel this way, we must view such typing as our ruling ideology.

P. S. I went through the now-familiar recitation of Washington’s claims before the war, and the too-familiar realities since: the failure to find weapons of mass destruction and the inevitable conclusion that Saddam Hussein was not the threat he was cracked up to be....

James Dickey's son, in the latest BLUNDER.


As the Bush administration prepares to oust Saddam, one way or another, senior administration officials are very worried that Saddam will try to use his WMD arsenal. Intelligence experts have warned that Saddam may be "flushing" his small, easy-to-conceal biological agents, trying to get them out of the country before an American invasion. A vial of bugs or toxins that could kill thousands could fit in a suitcase or a diplomatic pouch. There are any number of grim end-game scenarios. Saddam could try blackmail, threatening to unleash smallpox or some other grotesque virus in an American city if U.S. forces invaded. Or, like a cornered dog, he could lash out in a final spasm of violence, raining chemical weapons down on U.S. troops, handing out his bioweapons to terrorists. "That's the single biggest worry in all this," says a senior administration official. "We are spending a lot of time on this," said another top official.

With Norman Thomas's grandson in the September 23, 2002 BLUNDER.


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