Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, September 14, 2003

Here is why MR. MARK & Co. don't edit their publications: because management theory says they're supposed to be warm and fuzzy with their subordinates so that everyone feels part of the organization -- and besides, since we're all lovey-dovey alike anyway we don't need editing. This might work at a widget plant, but this is definitely NOT how to run a newspaper or magazine. Somebody should have the GUTS to chew out idiots like Jonathan Alter for their automatic typing, but people like MR. MARK won't do so because they flat out have no guts -- and no brains. HOWELL could have been a GREAT editor had he not been in the thrall of the knee-jerk ideological-pretzel liberalism of Pinch, and a common-sense Howell the business needs -- and will never get anymore, as the whole trade is hermetically removed from reality.

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