Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Members of ASWIA are protesting paying big bucks for network TV ads in light of declining ratings and the advent of ad zappers like TiVo. But the fact remains, TV ad spending zoomed to a new record this season, and putting one over on the public will always rank first with the idiots of big business -- above issuing an effective advertising message, above avoiding bad TV in issuing that message, and in the end, above the interests of the workers and stockholders of their businesses. And the sheer megatonnage of money involved -- $1.7 billion for the biggest of the Clunker Brothers -- virtually guarantees they will spend it, and spend it ignorantly. (The clown who runs that mint is called Fraleigh; I'll bet in the biz they call him Freely Fraleigh. By the way Freely, how's your investment in The Osama Channel going?)

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