9:58 AM
by Gene
Some more grownups engage in adolescence -- "radical" adolescence -- and
a BLUNDER hack covers for them by engaging in a news-hack specialty: euphemism. "The performances are often R-rated." You can tell a hack is thinking about the cause and his/her/its employment when he/she/it engages in euphemism.
And I have a question, MESS: you always show the top-rated stories, but never the bottom-rated ones. WHY? Or do only Little Jeffrey, Bill the Entomologist and MR. MARK get to see those?
Which reminds me -- the blithering superpatriotic moron Jonathan is "the originator and author" of Conventional Wisdom Watch. (Only you won't find the information on the MESS; it appears in the out-of-the-way
BLUNDER Media Kit [479,310 on Alexa].) Did you get a standing O in the office (or rather, a standing O-say-can-you-see) the day you penned the