2:23 PM
by Gene
That news hacks are cutting back on their 9/11 flashbacks this year is due no doubt to the backlash over their psychotic obsession of last year, when they came dangerously close to recreating the original panic. That we lose nothing for the lack of wall-to-wall headbeatings may be gleaned from
this bit of poetry and philosophy by a CURLEY (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!) stooge. Just mention the day now and you get the same kind of mental gas expulsions that used to smell up stories on JFK's death, or 1968, or Vietnam, the kind of all-purpose Crrrronkitian platitudes beloved of the business -- "the end of innocence," blah blah blah. But the twentieth century did a lot of screwing up of a lot of people, and we can hardly expect different from its successor, thus far a successor in too many bad ways. And more to the point, I must again quote Dr. Johnson: "Grief is a species of idleness."