Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, September 18, 2003

There are three ways to view Stephen King's National Book Award. The first is that a claque of snobs, ruling over an exhausted art form and sneering like elitists in the worst sense, is talking to itself. The second is that this self-same claque is showing its dollars-and-cents hypocritical side. The third is strictly glibertarian: he's sold zillions of books, therefore he's good. Part of this is jealousy; what navel starer wouldn't trade in his Sahara-desiccate prose for some of King's millions? And part of it is, not to put too fine a shading on it, he's a hack. To his credit, King's giving the money back to the National Book Foundation. On the other hand, it's $10,000, and he doesn't need it.

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