Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Today is National Hug a Public Relations Hack Day at The CHEAP. First it announces it will "donate" $120 million in PSAs (most of them at 3 a.m., ALL of them tax-free), plus it's "donating" money to save a "historic" theater in Philadelphia -- with guess-who footing most of the bill.

By the way, The CHEAP owns 1,200 stations. That's $100,000 per station per year. Divide that by 365 and you have $273.97 in PSAs a day. That won't pay for ten seconds of an ad touting Lowsy Mays's favorite constituency: new-car dealers. And The CHEAP says it's spreading the charity around, so it'll be far less; expect to see one-by-two-inch public-service ads in concert programs.

If this is charity, what's selfishness?

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