Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, October 13, 2003

I firmly agree with John Leo that we should treat miscreants as miscreants. But before being moved to sound the tocsin, we should consider that most of Mr. Leo's miscreants have one very defining trait in common. Let's see:

Miscreant no. 1 now works in TV news.
Miscreant no. 2 was a news hack.
Miscreant no. 3 was a news hack.
Miscreant no. 4 is in show-biz.
Miscreant no. 5 is in show-biz.
Miscreant no. 6 is in show-biz.
Miscreant no. 8 is a news hack.

And the last scot-free miscreant, Rev. Race-Card, should also be counted with the seven miscreants above as he's a favorite of news hacks.

In short, what most of the miscreants John Leo mentions have in common are MEDIA, and most people these days consider MEDIA a moral and ethical cesspool. Judgmentalism isn't quite dead yet.

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