Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, October 12, 2003

An interesting statement in a Jonathan Yardley review of a book about Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater:

The acclaim that rained down upon the house was carefully engineered, probably with [Edgar] Kaufmann [the house's owner] himself as master puppeteer but with important supporting roles played by Architectural Forum, Henry Luce's Time-Life magazine conglomerate [sic] and the Museum of Modern Art. [Emphasis added. The late Architectural Forum magazine was once part of Time-Life.]

All news hacks need are a few careful stroking words to get them to purr that something's great. We should keep this in mind whenever we consider the hacks' latest favorite: is it great on its merits, like a Fallingwater, or great only because a bunch of craven easily misled scribblers said so?

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