Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Is there ever such a thing as an "outsider"? Ah-NULT campaigned as one, but he's the consummate show-biz insider, and has used lots of the same tired old insiders like St. Warren of Buffett and George "Tiger on his Tail" Shultz and Dave "Hooray for Hollywood" Dreier as advisers. WALTER WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! may have started out as a lowly soda jerk or whatever, but making millions and rubbing elbows with JACK aren't exactly an outsider's behaviors. The Professor may have started with a blog but now he commands sixteen different media connections and a billion hits a minute. No, once you get the power, you're an insider. And it's wearying to always be on the outside looking in.

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