Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, October 10, 2003


Gee we're almost outta time and I gotta tellya my back's been hurting me and surgery didn't work so I got addicted to painkilling drugs so I'm going on detox we'll have nice guest hosts the next month no calls I don't do interviews BYE!

One of my fellow workers has been out several days with a back problem, so I know the Hobson's choice between surgery and drugs; BUT you were high all the while you lectured America about druggies, AND you make $5 billion a year bloviating, so forgive me Rush, I DON'T FEEL SORRY FOR YOU.

One irritating consequence of this story is knee-jerk liberals will chortle -- because RUSH IS CONSERVATIVE. Sorry liberals, YOU'RE JUST AS BAD -- IN THE SAME WAY.

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