Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, October 24, 2003

The Philadelphia Daily News, once part of the fitness phreak Bernarr MacFadden's publishing empire and a genuinely colorful paper, now has no reason to live, being the butt end of a local KnightRidder monopoly and battered by a free Metro tabloid. So it flails at its customers, running a regular Thursday PR department on hiphop (gotta reach those YOUNG, URBAN, DUMB readers who don't touch newspapers) and now with front-page show-biz ads. "YOU NAME IT, SCARY MOVIE 3 MAKES FUN OF IT!!!!!" pounds the News on its big expensive table. (Except EisnerCorp, RICHARD MICKEYMOUSE NIXON, Harvey Whiner, or The Philadelphia Daily News.) That this paper is strictly from Squaresville, all its show-biz hyperventilating notwithstanding, is also on the cover. It's endorsing John Street for reelection.

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