Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, October 16, 2003

A stinkweed is a stinkweed is a stinkweed.

P. S. More news hack excellence: the logo is just the line at the top. I sort of like it better AdAge's way -- the UNHOLY TRINITY.

You may recall when the INFAMOUS Steve Ross (I figure if we can call THAT FAN infamous, ditto with Steve Ross) created TWX Version 1.0, he came up with the screwy logo on the left for the whole company and spent millions selling it, including a prime-time special on ABC (starring Robin Williams, among Steve's other friends) boasting of his organization's PC. (STEVE WAS AHEAD OF THE CURVE!) But I guess the "TIME INC.ERS," still ticked that an OUTSIDER took over THEIR BUSINESS, mightily complained, and the eye-ear was ditched, and the fiction of Time Inc. continuing as an independent entity began. All that artwork for nothing.

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