Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, November 01, 2003

1. News hacks provided the platform for this story. 2. The moment the first shot was fired, all those stupid well-paid cameramen were taping away and not one person from the FIFTH ESTATE tried to intervene. 3. On Reliable [sic] Sources, Howie the Hair Shirt will pull out that plum again and say what a bad boy am I, for upper-six-digits. (Howie, couldn't you talk your TWXster bosses into buying you a new plum?) 4. This story will inspire at least twenty JOURNALISTIC seminars. 5. Ratings went up on LALA's 5:00 infotainments. 6. I don't care if it was a LAWYER. What if it had been a mother and child? Why must these idiots prove they have negative ethics and morals?

Oh how long ago when people liked news hacks, after 9/11, and that was only because the hacks don't like to see people die, albeit under very qualified circumstances.

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