Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Aside from being overrated garbage -- Buzz T. Newhouse's OWN SYNERGISTIC RAG once said it -- Candace "EW! YUCK!! GROSS!!!" Bushnell's favorite TV show won't last -- because it's FAKE.

Here's reality (and this article doesn't excerpt well; you must read the whole thing):

"I can't see spending $600 on a pair of shoes," says Katie Stewart, a struggling actor [SIC; that's EisnerCorp]. "I'd have to sell my dog to be able to have a pair of shoes. And I think the return's a little better on the dog."....

[Georgette] Blau [she operates a bus tour inspired by the show] explains that when a man says "I'll call you" at the end of the evening, "you know that's a goodbye for the night." Usually, she says, it's goodbye forever....

In the meantime, the bus rolls on. But at least one accomplished, single, New York woman can now afford to buy her own apartment. Blau has bought a one-room apartment that measures a whopping 400 square feet.

It's the size of a closet, but she says she's "so happy" about it. Because in New York, sometimes a new closet is just what a girl needs.


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