Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Buzz TWXster throws a mighty tantrum over Larry Lessig, who's published some kind of book. Buzz is too much the organization man ever to admit his former employer is wrong. Yes, we have gazillions of "new sources" of information, which are either impossible to find or of dubious worth or owned by the same six companies. As to entertainment (didn't you once edit a rag dealing with it?), all the electronic toys disguise that we probably do not have more manufacturers of it than we did in, say, 1910, when movies and theater were effectively controlled by monopolies. Buzz is right, though, when he says we can't rely on government. That anyone should rely on GENERAL JR. or MR. GUMBO for relief is laughable on its face, but the whole history of government intervention in media is one of splitting amoebas, until today we have the amoeba cartels essentially indistinguishable one from another. One right, however, does not make a former TWX employee any less wrong.

Is this TWXster becoming a FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!News partisan? I suspect in time we'll hear that drivel about SOUTH PARK CONSERVATISM from him too.

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