Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, November 14, 2003

The good news is, JACK'S LEAVING!!!!!!!!!!!! The bad news is, he'll still be cooking his @#$%^& SOUP, plus SLIMEBALL GUMBO can't take over for a year because of fig-leaf rules against lobbying -- so JACK will remain effectively IN CHARGE. The interesting news is that JACK'S CONSPIRACY interviewed THE POWERFUL CHAIRMAN OF THE HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE, which suggests he'd like to date something stronger than Bo Derek. (Watch out for him; with his ultra-slick style he could be more dangerous than JACK.)

Does this mean JACK gets an honorary -- OSCARĀ®?!?!? Maybe he can get the one Bugs Bunny got.

And as a farewell gift The Hollywood Reporter bequeaths him an airball interview that reminds us that rag's had ethics problems.

P. S. It's a measure of how little people understand the entertainment industry, for all the puff pieces and rave reviews and insider baseball, that blames something called "The Motion Picture Academy" for the @#$%^& SCREENER ban. If that's what JACK'S soapbox is called either it hands out easy A's or it should be shut down by the authorities.

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