Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, November 08, 2003

Here things were going great guns for Mickey D's -- sales WAY up, a chance to spend vastly more money on bad television -- when the CEO shoots himself in the foot for protesting that the word "McJob" made it into a Merriam-Webster dictionary. Hey Jim, what would you call a job that pays minimum wage and whose fringe benefits include getting yelled at by a manager and having McMeals for lunch?

This looks like a job for -- SUPERKUDLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P. S. Possible SUPERKUDLOW spin: "[M]ore than 1,000 of the men and women who own and operate McDonald's restaurants today got their start by serving customers behind the counter," writes the CEO. More than 1,000 out of how many who've ever worked the Mick? Don't answer that.

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