Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Here's a J'ACCUSE kind of story. While I was still unemployed and it hadn't yet been surrounded with razor wire and bicycle stands, I'd go down to Independence Square and commune with the Founders. But my communion was ruined whenever this flat trumpeter in a cap sat himself on a bench and played his blasted noise. I never asked him to stop because I could see the KnightRidder newspaper monopoly siding with the stupid trumpeter because he's different, exercising his First Amendment rights, the whole nine yards. Today along Walnut Street there's a veritable symphony of flat trumpeters, flat trombonists, flat saxophonists, flat flautists, wrong-note accordionists, adding to the noise and misery of walking down the street.

This is why I'm not sympathetic to the huge convoy of talent in Boston that will have to beg -- PLAY somewhere else. I wouldn't be surprised if members of this smelly crowd and their sympathizers are mad because CNET's deleting all the "genius" in's files. Sorry, bad music is bad wherever -- and however -- it's played.

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