Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Here's a loony-left protest we didn't know about: "over 10,000" (read maybe 2,000) came to Ft. Benning to protest the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL former School of the Americas, which allegedly taught all manner of Latin tyrants to do God knows what. But clearly Latin America wasn't on the protestors' minds:

"FROM THE SOA, TO FTAA [that free-trade thingy they were unsuccessfully whining about in Miami], TO THE INVASION OF IRAQ, OUR GOVERNMENT'S FOREIGN POLICY IS SERVING THE INTERESTS OF A FEW, AND MAKING US A LOT OF ENEMIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" said Fr. Roy Bourgeois, founder of SOA Watch. [Emphasis added.]

Translation: America can't do anything right. I suspect, however, we shouldn't be lectured on this score by a priest of a division of a church that condones moral failings of its own.

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