Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 16, 2003

I did not want to extend the shelf life of this story, but one of the New York Daily News's 500 columnists likened that very little hotel heiress to the Gabor sisters. This is an undeserved compliment. The Gabors were larger than life, they hung out with others larger than life, they married men who were larger than life, they maintained their looks well into middle age (although they weren't exactly my cup of borscht), and they revelled in their publicity. Our little heiress is smaller than life, she hangs out with dorks (literally and figuratively), she has a flat rump, and she's scared. And the only reason the only woman of our time who came vaguely within the Gabors' shadow, that la suprema of airheads, Anna Nicole, stretched her fifteen minutes of fame to a half hour was because she had an Amazonian figure augmented with a boob job. Better perhaps to liken this club-hopping miss to Oona O'Neill, a notorious debutante and lounge lizard who was famous only for being Eugene O'Neill's daughter and Charles Chaplin's wife -- and she was better looking. Please, enough of this filler for among the ads.

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