Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

I don't know where the PR types get this idea that Andy Griffith's show was a colossus for the ages -- possibly because time's distance permits it to tower over today's electronic pigmys. (Possibly also because it allows snobby six- and seven-digit news hacks to pull their fake Our Town routine to prove they're pee-pul too.) No, it was bubble gum for the soul, simple, predictable, unfunny, inoffensive. Saying that it's a cove of refuge in a topsy-turvy world is dime-store news-hack philosophy. To be sure, its celebrated cast deserves credit for taking peoples' minds off their problems, and I revere ol' Andy as much as anyone, but the fact that TV couldn't do better when it could have made a difference (Andy premiered a year before Newton Minow's "vast wasteland" speech) is a reason it's so much worse now.

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