Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, November 13, 2003

I suppose one could be USA Okay about it and say this young slut has chosen an excellent way to start her show-biz career. One could also say there's been a screw loose in the Hiltons for some time; Nick Hilton spent his first wedded night with Liz Taylor getting drunk. One could also say (as does Buzz TWXster's confidante Howard) that she needs acting school and besides, she has a flat rump (and everything else which goes without saying). One could also say this very little girl needs a shrink, but that would be judgmental, and hinder our young hero (never heroine; mustn't be sexist) from getting rewarded in column-inches.

This story is well on its way to being unendurable and inescapable. I hope her fifteen minutes are up.

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