Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 16, 2003

I wish I knew why hacks like the "LEGENDARY" Ben Bradlee are having an orgy of nostalgia over you-know-what day. You'd think to them it would be their happiest day -- after that, news hacks RULED THE WORLD! You STOPPED A WAR AND DITCH A PREZ! You were the embodiment of GOOD and all your enemies were EVIL! You proved we couldn't live without you -- and anyone who tried would be subject to INTERNAL EXILE! People made movies of you -- in which you were the HEROES -- that won ACADEMY AWARDS®!!!!! Perhaps the closest we can come to an understanding is that the hacks believe the day wrecked America, which was a good thing. That and JFK was a Democrat, and they were -- objective. The jerks will obsess on the 200th anniversary.

And then came JANET COOKE. OR:

Arlington, Va.: Has ever thought about running a retrospective of the Janet Cooke debacle next to The Post and Watergate feature?

Ben Bradlee: Not to my knowledge. That is an idea whose time has not come.
[THIS IN 1997.]

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