Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, November 29, 2003

Larry King, the most overrated interviewer of all time, celebrates his 70th -- no, not wife, birthday -- which reminds us of other "popular" personalities from Don McNeil to Arthur Godfrey to Henry Morgan to Jack Paar to Johnny Carson to Phil Donahue, largely forgotten (for the most part justly) and in some cases scorned. (Arthur Godfrey -- wasn't he the guy that fired somebody on the air?) I'll wager when people no longer celebrate Larry's birthday (or Oprah's) he'll be happily forgotten and scorned -- for the low-IQ softball questions, the self-parody of his USA Okay column, and the utterly prone attitude toward everyone but his fans. Here's more proof that in show-biz overly lucky people can conquer a complete dearth of talent to pester us forever. Blow out the candles, Larry.

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