Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Larry Tisch, the Loews boss who drove CBS from Bill Paley nearly into the ground then into the arms of "Airhead" Jordan, then the ZON, then Sumner, has died. He bought the outfit because the "Legendary" Mouth from the South threatened to turn the network's glorious news division into a platform for loony-right nut cases. He later sold the company's records division (the only good thing he did -- but at a lowball price) because he couldn't stand its cocaine-snorting alcoholic boss, the "Legendary" Walter Yetnikoff, a man who invented gaudy gold chains. Sony got stuck with it. Good for them. His reign was one of mismanagement and decline. (Fittingly the Loews press release doesn't mention CBS.) Fortunately he sold to people who will live forever. RIP.

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