Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, November 28, 2003

Last week I got annoyed with AUDREY'S MONSTER because of all the superdupermegamarketing around it. WELL, the latest BO stats have come out (BO means body odor too), and if AUDREY and her stupid CAT don't come in in third place, two places behind Elf, which occupied the houses of ill repute from two weeks prior -- and that's playing in fewer of them than before. It was only the only piece of jun -- MOVIE in the top 10 to decline from Wednesday to Thursday. It's official: the superdupermegamarketing HURT AUDREY'S MONSTER.

A week from tomorrow, pending further body o -- BOX OFFICE, I'm posting a letter I'm sending to the chairman of Hershey's. Be warned.

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