Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, November 10, 2003

More clever writing from a former high-level wonk worries that holy cockroaches could use SAMs on domestic aircraft -- a justifiable worry. But he doesn't exactly make his case airtight with a passage like this, toward the end:

In the Washington Post last October, I wrote, "Even with U.S. special forces combing the country, the collapse of the Iraqi regime could prove to be the greatest proliferation disaster in history." I was thinking about chemical or biological weapons materials—back then everyone was sure they were present—that I thought might be "privatized" by unhappy former security service colonels.

In so many words this is conjecture. This is why stories about QUAGMIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! filled with words like "former" and "retired" are next to useless. Nor does serve its readers with its typically cute reference that this former wonk served on the National Security Council staff for an unmentioned president. Guess which president. (He's also a veteran NEWS HACK.) It's little things like these that make us scream at the hacks, even the Internet kind.

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