Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Observations of the Week -- and something YOU could appreciate, SOB:

Apples [THE MAN's second "children's" "book"] tests the power of words carefully chosen: not in the text, which is dull, uninspiring, and poorly punctuated, but in the marketing that surrounds it....

In her dedication "to teachers everywhere," [THE MAN] acknowledges her kabbalistic source: "It is about the power of words. And how we must choose them carefully to avoid causing harm to others." (Too bad it is not about the power of punctuation. And how we must use it carefully to avoid sentence fragments.)....

And finally:

The folks at Callaway have good reason for their faith in the Holy Name: They published the scandalously best-selling Sex back in 1992. Of course, you won't read that on the book jacket. That's the power of words.

This all appears in an article in The Village Voice -- hardly a repository for unconventional wisdom.

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