Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Says the link on the front page of the Post's site, "The Day a Nation's Spirit Died." SONS OF BRADLEE AND BUFFETT, why didn't you go ALL THE WAY and say, "The Day a Nation Died"? You've been obsessing about your favorite assassination for ages, in no small part because of the internal glee it provokes, because it combined with the growing self-seriousness and self-centeredness and utter loathsomeness of the business to create our INESCAPABLE RULING CLASS, a class mightier than the rule of God or law, a class that will listen to neither criticism nor reason, that is a force unto itself, that would not modify itself ONE IOTA even after the stinging scandals of Janet Cooke and Jayson Blair, that will NEVER ADMIT TO ANY WRONG, a class that has obsessed and fretted us into EVERY DISASTER OF THE LAST FORTY YEARS, from our cowardly withdrawal from Vietnam (winner of untold Pulitzers) to our deadly neglect of terrorism. (And let us not forget, all your obsessing is a reason we have the conspiracy theories, despite the fact that they were spread in large measure by the Soviets.) As I said before, you should be very happy with the outcome. But if you really want to celebrate it why not encourage the advertisers who give you perpetual succor to run ads for KENNEDY ASSASSINATION SALE DAYS?

Now SHUT UP until next year, or when WACKO's TRIAL begins, when you can oppress us all anew.

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