Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, November 28, 2003

Speaking of sponge listening after two weeks (my usual sloth) I tried disconnecting from TWX Internet Service and got a smarmily apologetic lady who convinced me to accept two free months. The more I think of it the angrier I get; how could I be so gullible? Between this and my blog I may as well wear a dunce cap in public. I can't even use the TWX service because that means I have to reinstall its mammoth BLOATWARE, and then it conflicts with AT&T's. Why can't these frauds take my NO for an answer? They've already taken several millions.

A serious blogger should keep talk of his private life -- even his private mental life -- as hushed as possible; but as I said, getting one hit in two days will do this to you.

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