Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Thanks to Trib's insistence on walling off part of its content, I can't access this article, but I can guess what Ken says: we need to enforce X, er, NC-17. PROBLEM IS, KEN, there's been ONE X, er, NC-17 since the notorious Showgirls, and it's in talent contracts and real-estate leases not to do or show X, er, NC-17. And the idiot JACK has said that what bothers the people he bribes is foul language. And so long as JACK'S ALPHABET SOUP IS RUN BY THE CIA, there'll be no change. You won't like this, Ken: THE ONLY SOLUTION IS TO DITCH THE SOUP NAZIS AND START A VOLUNTARY INDUSTRY CENSORSHIP. JACK'S wicked concoction is actually worse than anything Will Hays devised because it's so much more arbitrary and secret. A limited, specifically targeted censorship would keep the truly odious matter off our screens while not touching what movies can say. It won't happen though. As the events of Iraq demonstrate, media types will settle for nothing less than TOTAL VICTORY over the public. I repeat what Matt Welch said: YOU HAVE A CUSTOMER SERVICE PROBLEM.

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