Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 02, 2003

That MR. MARK must put a non-starter like this on BLUNDER's cover underscores the daily battle he has trying to find material for (to paraphrase something Henry Luce once wrote) the last and dumbest of his 3,000,000 subscribers. MR. MARK KNOWS that SHOW-BIZ SELLS, and it must pain him that, for all the GENIUS of our time, there just isn't enough of it; and superior though we are to our readers, you just can't keep on yelling QUAGMIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! until they scream in pain (or cancel their subscriptions, an unlikely thing as most newsweeklies are read by coffee tables and magazine racks). So in these interregna we must turn to topics like God and health, which inevitably makes MR. MARK wince, as well he should, for "SERVICE" FEATURES are a big reason most magazines are so DEADLY DULL.

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