Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Two stories demonstrate why people who want to be show-biz moguls should see a psychiatrist. The first is of JUNIOR, who turned the wealth of Seagram's and duPont into platinum-plated dross. The second surrounds this week's make-believe box-office stats, especially as they concern the TWXsters. Elf cost "in the low 30s," may make $250 to $300 million. But Richard ADVERTISEMENT Corliss's favorite is tanking, an unprecedented tanking, after the fortune spent to shoot and distribute and especially to SELL it, and that misbegotten Looney Tunes masterwork could lose tens of millions. When the ledger books are sorted out the TWXsters could find they'd have been better off putting the money in a mutual fund -- provided they could find one that was honest.

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