Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 30, 2003

Unfortunately I had to find out about this on Free Republic as this is another one of those hoity-toity WALL STREET JOURNALS exclusives, but Roy Disney has submitted his resignation to RICHARD MICKEYMOUSE NIXON -- and he's called upon TRICKY DICK TO RESIGN. Sorry ROY, you helped bring RICHARD to Burbank, so you must assume responsibility for him becoming THE DESPICABLE TYRANT he is, and for EISNERCORP becoming a power-hungry media dictatorship. You had your run when the company was worth $100 billion, Roy, but that run has ended, and people can see thorugh your industry's every strategem. SORRY Roy, I don't care what your last name is, I have no pity for you. (And reading the article it appears TRICKY DICK ESSENTIALLY FIRED ROY; so like the fellow in Hoagy Carmichael's rockin' chair, HE AIN'T GOIN' NOWHERE.)

And as you might expect, all the Freepers are complaining about the GAYS NIXON brought to the company and the theme parks. Sorry dummies, that isn't the problem.

The headline's on CBS.Marketwatch now.

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