Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, November 21, 2003

The wonders of PRNewswire:

NEW ALBANY, Ohio, Nov. 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Not since the fateful
encounter in 1901 between David Abercrombie, Ezra Fitch and the Great Moose
has there been so much excitement at A&F stores nationwide. On November 28,
everyone will have the chance to become part of this legend.
While some may contest the authenticity of the legend, no one can doubt
that clad in the coolest gear of the Holiday season and at the entrance to A&F
stores will be our infamous male and female greeters. A dollar donation to
Toys for Tots lets anyone snuggle up for a picture between two hunky,
shirtless A&F guys straight from the Legend of the Great Abercrombie & Fitch
Moose. They'll make Santa think twice before he reaches for another slice of
pumpkin pie.

Wait a second! I'm a man! Can't we snuggle up to two cuddly, blouseless A&F gals! THIS IS DISCRIMINATION!!!!!

What's the legend? (I guess PR hacks are almost as bad as news hacks.)

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