Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Buzz T. Newhouse unintentionally raises an unpleasant point, or rather a point unpleasantly: some of the people who run the big-name Weblogs could soon be worth (or will delude themselves into thinking they'll be worth) kazillions. By cultivating their own little provincial circle of backscratching the biggies may be working up in their own way to an IPO. Truth will suffer as inevitably as it suffers with NEWS HACKS. It does not help that Google (said to be worth at least $150 quadrazillions) owns Blogger. I'm sure Buzz has been thinking of cashing in on his musings (especially after what happened to his TWX stock and options, no doubt) ; The Professor is a lawyer, nuf said. And for little, there's always fundraising.

P. S. Judging from his newly purchased site I'd say the allegedly shrewd Bob Pittman is the latest jerk to throw money away on the Web -- but he had quite an education at TWX.

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