Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Here are two reasons you can't find a decent interview on TV: LARRY KING and LOLLIPOP LOU DOBBS. It's a matter of symbiosis: when CNN wants interviews it wants high-profile exclusives, and the kind of interviewees CNN wants don't like tough questions. Thus if RICHARD MICKEYMOUSE NIXON, say, wanted to state his case why he'll live forever, CNN would be more than happy to route him to the bulbous former business hack (who'd probably ask, "Michael, your stock has staged a comeback in recent months. What do you plan to do to keep the momentum going?") or ESPECIALLY TO LARRY, who has higher ratings (and who'd CERTAINLY ask, "Mike, gotta question, what's your favorite cartoon character?") The kind of horsetrading that marked this network's egregious conduct in Iraq continues through these two no-talent frauds, and the public gets the blunt end of it always.

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