Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Oh oh, Stephen! Turn in your union membership! You've just knocked one of the greatest achivements in film history! You'll never write in this country AGAIN!

I wonder which line will get the ad-blurb copywriters' dander up. Could it be:

What might be told in three hours is now told in four -- and then split in half, to stoke the filmmaker's ego and further fuel the merchandising.


How did Sam and Frodo get separated from Gandalf and Aragorn again? Where's Saruman? And why exactly is everyone fighting so hard to preserve a land of hereditary rulers and cranky old guys in dresses?


The director's monsters are impressive, the battle scenes thrilling, and only a nitpicker would ever stop to think he or she has just paid $10 to, essentially, watch one CGI giant fight two CGI elves.

Well Stephen, you're not supposed to NITPICK, you're supposed to RAVE RAVE RAVE ONE OF THE GREATEST ACHIEVEMENTS IN FILM HISTORY. So much for doing 60-second blurbs on television.

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