Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

One thing is certain: movie ad blurbs have become hopelessly political. We can see that in the handling of what must be one of Roy Disney's favorite films. MICKEYMOUSE NIXON no doubt had a brilliant idea: "Call that schmuck Drudge. He's our best publicist." So some middle manager whispers in his telephone about all the naughty bits in an upcoming movie. Then MICKEYMOUSE orders another exec, "Tell Drudge that people here are in a furor over this, it's not our kind of movie. That's the sort of BS that gets him and his nutcase following on Halcion." Well, so he did. Then MICKEYMOUSE told other high-ups in the biz: "I just played a mind game on Matt Drudge. Doesn't take much with that retard. When the critics see this -- well, read the papers the next few days." And sure enough, if EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM DIDN'T CALL THIS MOVIE A WORK OF COMEDIC GENIUS -- AND ALL BECAUSE OF THAT @#$%&* WALTER WINCHELL. In a sense this review proves my contention; James Bowman writes for The American Spectator. But he's also one of the very few movie writers with discernment, and he leaves me with no doubt this IS a very bad movie. All it takes is a little tweaking of the hacks, and you have a masterwork. MICKEYMOUSE NIXON knows that. He could have worked hand-in-glove with Goebbels to build a better society.

P. S. I know all about WALTER'S work on Buffalo Soldiers, but that piece of junk was in the can for two years, plus 9/11 made it unwatchable. Here, there was no such excess baggage, and this time the ruse worked.

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