5:06 PM
by Gene
Please read the following entry while listening to suitably pompous music, like an Elgar Pomp and Circumstance march:
Viacon Network News got its Wacko scoop, and the industry is already eructing about ETHICS. Hey MORONS, if you knew what you were doing you wouldn't have to talk about ETHICS. But precisely because you DON'T know what you're doing, and make in the six and seven digits not knowing, will allow you to talk ETHICS until hell freezes over. Besides, BEING THE GOOD ORGANIZATION MEN YOU ARE, MOST OF YOU WOULD PROBABLY DO THE SAME SLEAZY THING.
Or as THE ZON might say, if he'd lived in the nineteenth century:
"ETHICS BE DAMNED!!!!! I'm working for my shareholders!!!!!!!!!!!" You hypocrites would definitely appreicate that.