Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, December 31, 2003


Statement of Mark Geragos, Attorney for Michael Jackson

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 31 /PRNewswire/ -- The following is a statement by Mark
Geragos, Attorney for Michael Jackson:

We not only welcome an investigation by the Attorney General of
California, but will ask that the entire case from its inception be
investigated by that office. The deliberate disregard of the findings of the
Los Angeles Department of Children & Family Services investigation -- and
closure of this case as totally unfounded by that agency -- seriously hurts
the credibility of the Santa Barbara County Sheriff.

I'm glad somebody said that.

P. S. This links on the front page of PRNewswire between "Independence Blue Cross and Holy Redeemer Health System Announce Agreement on New Contract" and "Modest Increase in Nation's Alienation Index, According to Harris Poll."

Sure they didn't mean "aliens"?

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