Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Thanks to I encountered this sage advice for government funding of the arts from The New Criterion:

[P]ublic cultural support cannot be about the provision of entertainment, either upscale or for the masses; it cannot be about the accomplishment of immediate and partisan social and political goals; it cannot be about the stretching of the limits of permissible personal behavior; it cannot validate the so-called “cutting edge” of art or thought.
… [P]ublic support must concentrate on nothing less than the transmission of the civilization of the past, via the present, to the future. Public support thus must concern itself with
civilizing works of art, literature, and thought, their preservation, study, communication, and regeneration. [Emphasis added.]

There you have it: no chcocolate-coated feminists, no bullwhips up behinds, no Christ figures in urine, no elephant dung, no video walls, no geetars, no lectures, no tantrums, just "the finest art." Is this too much to ask for?

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