Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Saturday, January 31, 2004
One of the great strokes of what NEWS HACKS call GENIUS, an outstanding PR campaign that probably saved USA Okay (unfortunately), was ITS SUPER BOWL AD-WATCHING BLITZ, where the paper encouraged its readers to view the game for the ads, hoping that some of its goodwill to the sponsors would rub off on IT. GanNETt headquarters is no doubt full of incriminating memos from SOB and other corporate cretins encouraging the PR. I suspect Okay (and I'm sorry to use this line again) paid more attention to SUPERBOWL ADS than to OSAMA before 9/11. It is now apparent NEWS HACKS will stop at NOTHING to turn their vehicles of TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS into wall-to-wall advertising and promotion. (I do not include their campaigning for liberal and Democratic causes, which counts, of course, as NEWS.) We're WAITING, SOB, for another DISHONEST COLUMN bewailing the collapse in your READERSHIP.