Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, February 01, 2004

And speaking of MORONS, here's a list of the companies that are flushing many millions down the toilet so their CEOs can say, "I WAS AT THE SUPER BOWL AND YOU WEREN'T!!!!!" While a few of these companies would always advertise at this apex of BOREDOM, having traditionally been heavy sponsors of TV sports (Anheuser-Busch, Gillette), for most marketers this merely represents an excuse to waste money -- not only the money thrown out on the air time, but the money thrown out making the gee-whiz ads, the money thrown out backing up the gee-whiz ads with various merchandising ploys, plus the money thrown out on showing off at the venue, plus the money thrown out on sending the high-mucky mucks to the game so they can say, "I WAS AT THE SUPER BOWL AND YOU WEREN'T!!!!!" No one ever mentions this multiplier effect, but it's there, just as sure as, no matter how boring the game or how much they sit on their hands or how fervently they rush from their hermetically-sealed luxury boxes to escape the HALFTIME SHOW they've financed, a select few CEOs will say tomorrow morning,

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