Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, February 29, 2004

A black congresswoman makes a racist remark and the news hacks don't notice. This and the P. R. MEL claptrap from conservatives tell me political intransigence is more firmly embedded in our superiors than ever, and that truth is increasingly a fiction.

And speaking of fiction, MR. SCIENCE FICTION (whoops! Mr. SPECULATIVE Fiction; the sci-fiers get a little antsy about being called HACKS) trots out the four-day-old conservative canard that the libs are HYPOCRITES for hating P. R. MEL's MASTERPIECE. I agree: the same ad-blurb copywriters gushed orgasmic over Pulp Fiction. But hypocrisy cuts both ways: P. R. MEL's most strident defenders screamed their heads off over MS. BOOB. A PLAGUE O' BOTH YOUR HOUSES.

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