Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, February 23, 2004

The fan clubs for SLUTSVILLE and GORY FOR GLORY have more similarities than they may wish to admit. To start, they're both very insular: the soccer mom females, the Bible Belters and knee-jerk conservatives; neither (if Free Republic can be judged on the latter) will admit their masterworks are bad; they're both at worst politically intolerant; and they're both led by the most insular of news hacks (the gushmeisters and ad-blurb copywriters, NEWSMAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and THE HUMAN TOP). The only thing in SLUTSVILLE's favor is that its cult saw the show. More to the point, the properties share something too: excess; SLUTSVILLE was to sex what GORY FOR GLORY is to violence, and both respective sides should bow their heads and contemplate themselves a little for what their obsessions have done to us. Alas, given some of the CRETINS who run America's churches, we can no more expect that for P. R. Mel than for Horseface.

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