Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Here's one for Terry Teachout, and I'm sending this to him by e-mail: Sir, am I the only person put off by the overpowering PR for SLUTSVILLE and GORY FOR GLORY? Am I the only person thinking these alleged masterpieces of our time won't last -- in no small measure because they are (or should be) verboten for young people, exactly the audience needed to preserve art? You don't need an age restriction on Huck Finn (though I might put it off limits to some educators). And you should know this one, Mr. Teachout: Menck always touted Joseph Hergesheimer's novels, and he almost single-handedly got Sinclair Lewis's Main Street in print. He called these works "genius." Who reads them anymore? When news hacks tout something with one voice (and especially through their 50 gigawatt megaphone) that alone should put the bug of suspicion in our minds. (I'm not knocking Lewis, by the way, because Babbitt is one of my few fiction favorites.)

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