Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, February 28, 2004

I'm especially struck by how the conservative media, press and intellectual establishment has been, so far as I can tell, completely uniform in its positive response. Among the theocons and neocons, uou [SIC] are less likely to find a criticism of this movie than you are to find criticism of the president! Have I missed something? Has some brave neoconservative or any writer who gets his paycheck from the conservative media dared to criticize this movie? Or is the Popular Front intact?

I know the feeling, ANDY S. (Although in truth it has been criticized by the likes of James Bowman and Christopher Hitchens, whose sympathies lie more or less within the camp.) But on Tuesday I posted, "[T]omorrow the whole @#$%&* CONSERVATIVE WORLD will be deafening with Tarzans." I saw this coming before you, and I don't get ninety quintazillion hits. (I will admit, though, the one thing about getting three hits a day is that nobody can call you overrated.)

P. S. I still recall how R. EMMETT and The American Spectator, in a long-ago prelude to this five-act banshee scream, did a puff piece to end all puff pieces on the late, unlamented Morton Downey Jr., who came to admit his Rush-before-Rush routine was an act. And let us not forget only months ago CONSERVATIVES blasted anyone who criticized MR. MORALS for gambling -- because he was CONSERVATIVE. They've been working up to this lockstep gag for a long time, and I've lost a lot of respect for a lot of conservatives in the process.

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