Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, February 21, 2004

I've a hunch telemarketers may be trying to get around the FTC's Do Not Call list by annoying people at work, where they wouldn't think to block sales pitches. Yesterday for the second time in a week someone pestered me on the job to buy something, and after eight increasingly firm "I'm not interested"s would not stop the palaver I hung up. It's one thing on a job like mine where such nuisances merely season a not-very-busy day, but in other places the pleadings may interfere with business, and in the worst cases, keep emergency calls from getting through.

Oh, and the outfit that was trying to sell to me? The Philadelphia Inquirer. I would not want to guess how many bawdy satirical pieces Knight Ridder dishrags have run about the depredations of telemarketers. Nonetheless, as the employers of NEWS HACKS demonstrate yet again, they're not afraid to be hypocrites.

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